Jens Lechtenboerger <> writes:

>>> Is there an option that I am missing, or is this a bug?  What do you
>>> think?
>> Maybe a bug. Not sure.
>> What might be happening is that you published some files without :index
>> t in the past and the results (no index) got cached.
>> What if you clear the publishing cache?
> I am not sure what you aim for, but please see the attached patch,
> including the new tests.  This works for me.

Thanks! It clarifies things.

> Is there any reason for the transient cache with index terms?

My attempt to fix another bug where filename and last update date were
not refreshed after the update. And that fix introduced the bug you
I now attempted an alternative fix that should hopefully not introduce
new bugs.

> Should an option exist to enable the transient cache for index
> terms?  (I do not see a reason but wanted to ask.)

The whole idea of transient cache does not work, I think. I reverted the
commit introducing it.

> Subject: [PATCH] ox-publish.el: Enable makeindex with
>  org-publish-use-timestamps-flag

Applied, onto main, leaving only the new test and changing the commit
message accordingly.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode maintainer,
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