Thanks for the cleanup!  

I noticed the complete-file typo and fixed it after attaching the patch.  I 
regenerated the patch but I suppose it was created in a different directory, 
and the filename in the mail pointed to the earlier incorrect patch instead.

I wonder if we should set compile-command to "make test" in dir-locals.el.  
This would make it easier to use project-compile for quick checks.  (I should 
use this command more, thanks for the pointer.)

On 25 February 2025 23:31:59 GMT+05:30, Ihor Radchenko <> 
>Visuwesh <> writes:
>> I went with a slightly different approach in the attached where an
>> optional argument is accepted by the function, defaulting to the value
>> of org-link-file-path-type.
>Applied, onto main, with minor amendments.
>I renamed the function, as suggested by Rudolf. I also fixed a typo in
>variable name (complete-file, not complete).
>I recommend running M-x project-compile <RET> make test <RET>
>and paying attention to compilation warnings, if any.
>Such typos are often revealed by the compiler.

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