Nick Dokos wrote:
Bruce Hackett <> wrote:
Carsten Dominik wrote:
I cannot reproduce this and believe that something must be wrong in
your setup.
It seems that the variable org-deadline-time-regexp is not defined.
The only reason how this could be is that your file is *not*
in Org-mode.
Dear Carsten,
Solved. You were on the right track. There were some offending "#+..."
lines in Actually, I copped that file from one of the
tutorials some time ago as a place to quickly deposit new tasks; I never
looked closely at all the other fancy stuff in it. After all, it worked
fine up to v 6.29c. I'm not sure exactly what caused the problem, but
removing all the unneeded "#+..." lines solved it.
Ah, but now it would be interesting to find out what broke it. Can you
post the earlier version of Or perhaps just the diff with the
current version, if you don't want to post the gory details of your file?
Dear Nick,
OK, I *was* a bit lazy in tracking it down, but the answer is pretty
simple. The only line I needed to remove was this:
which was the last line in the org file. This directive is listed in the
Main Index of the org manual, but the link goes to #+TODO. There, it is
mentioned that one may indeed write #+SEQ_TODO to be explicit. Perhaps
it's the lack of arguments that is offensive?
Bruce Hackett Senior Scientist
Norwegian Meteorological Institute (, R & D Div.
P.O. Box 43 - Blindern e-mail:
N-0313 Oslo Phone: +47 22 96 33 39
NORWAY Fax: +47 22 96 33 80
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