Bastien Guerry <> writes:

>>> What about gollum?
>>> From what I understand, it would provide a way to let users modify Org
>>> files by editing them from a web interface (without Git knowledge), on
>>> top of rendering the .org files as HTML pages.
>> Interesting project.  Would you want to allow contributions from anyone?
>> Or would you need to set up auth also?  
> If someone has the time to install a test-instance Gollum, then we can
> experiment with it and see if it feels like a good way to open Worg to
> more contributions. If sensible regarding spam and security, yes, I'd
> like anyone to be able to contribute.

Not an instance, but I played around a bit locally and managed to run it
on worg repo.

Here are the steps needed to run things:

1. git clone
2. Modify gollum.gemspec, adding

   s.add_dependency 'org-ruby', '~> 0.9'

3. bundle install --path vendor/bundle
4. Modify config.rb, adding the following

    # Copy the old format definition
    org = Gollum::Markup.formats[:org]
    # Remove the old format definition
    # Modify the format definition
    org[:enabled] = true
    # Re-register the format
    Gollum::Markup.register(:org, org[:name], org)

5. bundle exec bin/gollum --config /full/path/to/gollum/config.rb  
6. Open http://localhost:4567/

One note is that gollum is using org-ruby renderer, which is not 100%
accurate. The wiki
shows that one can make use of pandoc to render any kind of markup,
which implies that we might as well use emacs + Org export itself.
At least, looking at
(366LOC), I do not see why we cannot change it to use emacs instead of
pandoc to render html.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode maintainer,
Learn more about Org mode at <>.
Support Org development at <>,
or support my work at <>

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