Bastien Guerry <> writes:

> Hi Joseph,
> Joseph Turner <> writes:
>>> What about gollum?
>>> From what I understand, it would provide a way to let users modify Org
>>> files by editing them from a web interface (without Git knowledge), on
>>> top of rendering the .org files as HTML pages.
>> Interesting project.  Would you want to allow contributions from anyone?
>> Or would you need to set up auth also?
> If someone has the time to install a test-instance Gollum, then we can
> experiment with it and see if it feels like a good way to open Worg to
> more contributions. If sensible regarding spam and security, yes, I'd
> like anyone to be able to contribute.

I think it's a worthy experiment.  Right now, I cannot volunteer to set
this up, but I'll be happy to test it out.

>> I'm not sure if contributions automatically push master.
> I'm not sure either, the experiment could tell.

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