Agree, but pdfcreator refers to a program, and thus it has nothing to do with 
exporting neither title nor author.

If you need this, you can always set the hypersetup in your eMacs configuration 
to fit your needs. BTW, this is what I needed to do once (in the very many 
presentations I have produced in the last 10 years).

I fear we go beyond the purpose of the org-export-with-* if we follow the path 
you suggest. 
@Ihor: WDYT?

Enviado desde mi iPhone

> El 29 ene 2025, a las 22:06, Antero Mejr <> escribió:
> Pedro Andres Aranda Gutierrez <> writes:
>> Thanks a lot. I would like a couple of days to look at the creator part
>> specifically and adding this in to ox-Beamer. Or maybe even factoring out.
>> FTMB, let’s wait for Ihor’s reaction to this and discuss the pdfcreator part.
>> The semantics behind is different. I happens to be the program that created 
>> the PDF.
>> Could you please expand on why you want to block that too?
> When publishing documents anonymously, as much metadata as possible
> should be removed/removable. Also, it is misleading to have such a
> setting if some exporters ignore it.

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