>>>>> On Fri, 24 Jan 2025 10:37:37 +0530, Visuwesh <visuwe...@gmail.com> said:
Visuwesh> * lisp/org-compat.el: Add workaround proposed by Robert Pluim Visuwesh> <rpl...@gmail.com> to make yank-media work under GNOME reliably for Visuwesh> Emacs 29. Did I propose it? I donʼt remember 😀 Visuwesh> Link: https://list.orgmode.org/orgmode/87ed7kttoa....@k-7.ch Visuwesh> Reported-by: Sébastien Gendre <s...@k-7.ch> Visuwesh> --- Visuwesh> lisp/org-compat.el | 15 +++++++++++++++ Visuwesh> 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+) Visuwesh> diff --git a/lisp/org-compat.el b/lisp/org-compat.el Visuwesh> index 91192629a..3ad330628 100644 Visuwesh> --- a/lisp/org-compat.el Visuwesh> +++ b/lisp/org-compat.el Visuwesh> @@ -1992,6 +1992,21 @@ (make-obsolete-variable 'org-speed-commands-user Visuwesh> "configure `org-speed-commands' instead." "9.5") Visuwesh> (provide 'org-compat) Visuwesh> +;;;; yank-media Visuwesh> +;; Emacs 29's pgtk port has a bug where it might fail to return the Visuwesh> +;; right TARGET. Install a workaround for Emacs <=29 since the fix Visuwesh> +;; went to Emacs 30. See bug#72254. Visuwesh> +;; Org bug report link: https://list.orgmode.org/orgmode/87ed7kttoa....@k-7.ch Visuwesh> +;; This should be removed once we drop Emacs 29 support. Visuwesh> +(when (<= emacs-major-version 29) I thought Ihor wanted this to check for a pgtk build? Personally I think the check for the window system in the cl-defmethod is enough, but Iʼm not Ihor. One way to check for pgtk is checking the result of (window-system). Or checking whether `pgtk-backend-display-class' is `fboundp'. Visuwesh> + (cl-defmethod gui-backend-get-selection ((selection-symbol (eql 'CLIPBOARD)) Visuwesh> + (target-type (eql 'TARGETS)) Visuwesh> + &context (window-system pgtk)) Visuwesh> + (let ((sel (pgtk-get-selection-internal selection-symbol target-type))) Visuwesh> + (if (vectorp sel) Visuwesh> + sel Visuwesh> + (vector sel))))) Visuwesh> + Visuwesh> ;; Local variables: Visuwesh> ;; generated-autoload-file: "org-loaddefs.el" Visuwesh> ;; End: Visuwesh> -- Visuwesh> 2.45.2 Robert --