Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@posteo.net> writes:

> I am unable to reproduce.
> May you please post detailed steps to recreate the issue starting from
> emacs -Q? See https://orgmode.org/manual/Feedback.html#Feedback

I really just hit C-c a a M-> f as I said.  C-c a is `org-agenda',
the following "a" means "current week or day" as usual.

I have a guess what the problem is.  When you look at the implementation
of `org-agenda-later': at the end we are setting window-start to the
former value of (window-start), which we remembered.

In my case the current day (aka "today") contains much more entries than
any other day.  When I hit f with point at point-max of the current wekk
agenda, the next, shorter week agenda view will be displayed with
window-start forced to position larger than the new `point-max'.

Are you maybe able to provoke a similar situation?



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