I would like to streamline as much as possible the saving of notes, to the
point of bookmarking---ala Zotero, only leaving me free to orient it to my
system.   Here's my use case.  I'm sure many others are doing this, and I
would ask advice to short cut the system, to the fewest possible steps.

I use Google Scholar alot.  Often it's a search about an organism, and often
one I would really like to have a good system of bookmarks, pdfs, and notes,
to come back to in a couple of years.  These organisms have been objects of
either notice or study over the past 25 years.

Either Google School or some other search locates a pdf for me, often one
named something like X234r0.pdf.  I have bunches of these around (the
easiest way to peek, by the way, and look at the title inside is *NOT*
DocView mode, but pdftotext, via

I can attach this.  Once I get a stable, organized file/directory structure
for ~/home (something I haven't accomplished in 15 years), I will be able to
attach to a note and store the pdf as a link.  Let's say I've already done

I want to save a bibtex reference to this file, in some useful way.  Right
now the best way is to use Google Scholar's bibtex facility, and cut and
paste.  I've been using cb2bib and Jabref for the task of collecting bibtex

Ideally, a separate bibtex database file would serve each topic, when I have
a large number of searches.  I can often find 20 useful hits in an hour on
some obscure topic.  I would like to save the bibtex entries for all
interesting searches (perhaps even make that 40 or more in a session), and
have them available through org-mode.  I would like the references also to
be stored in a robust manner, with links to the orgmode notes.

I tried org-exp-bibtex.el (in contrib/lisp), and perhaps I'll got back and
check again.  I didn't see at the time, when I was even newer to org-mode
than I am now, how org-exp-bibtex could work for me.

Thank you for reading this far.  Can anyone at least lend a clue?   I'd
happily bury myself in some code, non-programmer than I am, to find a way to
save even a few minutes during searches.

Alan  Davis

You can know the name of a bird in all the languages of the world,  but when
you're finished, you'll know absolutely nothing whatever about the bird...
So let's look at the bird and see what it's doing---that's what counts.

   ----Richard Feynman
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