John C <> writes: > Thanks for the feedback. See updated org-matlab.patch. Note code evaluation > will now error out when using an out-of-date matlab-mode (rather than > generating a warning) because when using an older matlab-mode, code block > evaluation doesn't work. We need to wait for the matlab-shell to be ready. > Without that capability found in newer matlab-mode, the errors are very > hard to understand.
Maybe you can use `org-require-package'. Note that we generally guarantee support for the latest stable third-party library release. Not older. So, failing to work with old matlab-mode is not a problem. See > You mentioned that we should expect org users to understand sessions, > however the doc on sessions is a bit light. Searching > for "session", we see it used two different > ways "Emacs session" and babel code block evaluations sessions described in > "Using sessions". What is there is okay, but doesn't really help one > understand when they should/shouldn't use babel code block evaluation > sessions. What would be nice is if "Using sessions" were titled "Babel code > block evaluation sessions" containing the existing content minus the "Only > languages that provide interactive evaluation ..." paragraph because this > is vague. Feel free to submit a patch improving the manual. > ... In addition, each language should have a way of describing what > :session means to them, perhaps by extracting this info from ob-LANGUAGE.el > or maybe, or maybe something else that inserts the language > specific into the org manual. See [TASK] Move babel backend docs from WORG to Org manual > * lisp/ob-comint.el: enhanced org-babel-comint-with-output > - The META argument of org-babel-comint-with-output now supports an > optional > STRIP-REGEXPS which can be used to remove content from the returned > output. Please document this change in "New functions and changes in function arguments" section of ORG-NEWS. > * testing/org-test.el > - Added org-test-get-code-block which is for use by testing/lisp/test*.el > files > to extract code blocks from testing/examples/*.org files for on-the-fly > testing using org-test-with-temp-text. I am not sure if it is really needed. Why not directly using `org-test-with-temp-text' and putting the src block there? Having the tested src block away from the test itself makes it hard to read tests. > -(defvar org-babel-default-header-args:matlab '()) > +(defvar org-babel-default-header-args:matlab '((:session . "*MATLAB*")) > + "Reuse the matlab-shell buffer for code block evaluations. > +Add the MATLAB clear command to your code block to clear the > +MATLAB workspace.") This docstring is not appropriate. A docstring should describe what variable does in the first line. Optionally, it can also describe the default value; but not as the first line. For example, this is what I have on one of WIP branches: (defvar org-babel-default-header-args:matlab '() "Default header arguments for Matlab code blocks.") (defvar org-babel-default-header-args:octave '() "Default header arguments for Octave code blocks.") See "D.6 Tips for Documentation Strings" in Elisp manual. > +(defun org-babel-matlab-shell () > + "Start and/or wait for MATLAB shell." > + (require 'matlab-shell) ;; make `matlab-shell-busy-checker' available Maybe use `org-require-package' here. > + (const :tag "MATLAB" matlab) > (const :tag "Maxima" maxima) > (const :tag "OCaml" ocaml) > - (const :tag "Octave and MatLab" octave) > + (const :tag "Octave" octave) This makes me wonder if ob-matlab and ob-octave diverged enough to put matlab-specific code into ob-matlab itself. -- Ihor Radchenko // yantar92, Org mode maintainer, Learn more about Org mode at <>. Support Org development at <>, or support my work at <>