John C <> writes: > Thanks for the feedback. I incorporated some of your suggestions for > org-mode. I'll add the examples to once > the changes become part of org-mode.
Thanks for the update! > Regarding (defvar org-babel-default-header-args:matlab '((:session . > "*MATLAB*")), this was done on purpose. We've been using this setting > for a while. Without it, org matlab evaluation is not good. I added a > comment as to why it's there. I can see the usefulness of using session by default for matlab, but it is still going to be a breaking change. As a minimum, we should announce it in the NEWS. You may (1) split your news entry into "fix" part and ":results handling" ; (2) add notice that matlab blocks will use session by default > I looked into the use of REMOVE-ECHO which ob-octave.el already sets > to t and don't believe this will help us. I think low-level comit > requires the input which is captured by org. May you please elaborate what exactly is not working when using REMOVE-ECHO? Note that you normally need to pass the body alongside with REMOVE-ECHO argument and `org-babel-comint-with-output' should remove everything up to FULL-BODY before returning the output. The problem you are trying to solve _should_ be solved by `org-babel-comit-with-output'. If it is not, it is a bug that we should fix. > Any guidance on adding a test? To test properly we'll need MATLAB and > Note, in >, I have a test for all > this. Currently Emacs-MATLAB-Mode is advising org to get things > working. When org is updated, Emacs-MATLAB-Mode will automatically not > advise org. For tests, you can refer to testing/lisp/test-ob-R.el tests. They also rely upon external package (ESS) and on external R executable. Ideally, we want to reuse tests from testing/lisp/test-ob-octave.el -- Ihor Radchenko // yantar92, Org mode contributor, Learn more about Org mode at <>. Support Org development at <>, or support my work at <>