Pedro Andres Aranda Gutierrez <> writes: > Attached is a patch that fixes adding an unnumbered section to the TOC with > test cases. You will need to add the Title you want to appear in the ToC in > :ALT_TITLE: I'm looking at a new property to copy the section title. > Something like > :ALT_TITLE_COPY: t > But I'm open to suggestions.
Not sure. If we look into the manual, here is what it says: 13.3 Table of Contents ... Org includes both numbered and unnumbered headlines in the table of contents(1). If you need to exclude an unnumbered headline, along with all its children, set the ‘UNNUMBERED’ property to ‘notoc’ value. ... (1) At the moment, some export backends do not obey this specification. For example, LaTeX export excludes every unnumbered headline from the table of contents. So, ox-latex is technically not right when it ignores unnumbered headings in TOC. We might consider changing the current defaults to be consistent with the rest of export backends + a defcustom/export option to allow users fall back to historic defaults. -- Ihor Radchenko // yantar92, Org mode maintainer, Learn more about Org mode at <>. Support Org development at <>, or support my work at <>