> Even I'm interested, I have to craft a way of saving things with org.

> I noticed during Orgmeetup, yantar92 (Ihor, the Org maintainer) does
> org-capture on mail.

> Related config I found in config
> (https://github.com/yantar92/emacs-config/blob/master/config.org#capture-mail-to-org-task)

> The author uses notmuch and another external package (org-capture-xref),
> but I think for gnus the backend should be easy to implement.

Thanks, that looks nice, I will give it a try.

> Hope so you know, we can compose mail in org as well, using org-mime.

That I know, but I use mostly if math is involved because there are
still people who don't like to receive HTML mail.

I strongly condemn Hamas heinous despicable pogroms/atrocities on Israel
I strongly condemn Putin's war of aggression against Ukraine.
I support to deliver weapons to Ukraine's military. 
I support the EU and NATO membership of Ukraine. 

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