Psionic K <> writes:

> Not just a problem for dslide but for org in general, any time a
> package adds keys to configure blocks or properties, these do not
> complete except through dabbrev etc.
> ...

I am sorry, but it is not clear for me from your email what concrete
improvement you want to see.

There are indeed sub-optimal historical decisions that could be improved
in the hindsight, but we are not going to remove the existing conventions.

> Some set of decisions and tree sitter grammar would enable org to make
> use of the tree sitter tools for parsing, probably good for org
> element and font locking both.  Everyone knows that.  Just my +1.

It is too much for Org mode maintainers to provide an official grammar.
Mostly because it will require knowledge of JS/C (basically, non-Elisp
languages). I am highly skeptical that we can reliably find people who
can regularly contribute if Org becomes multi-programming language

The official parser will thus remain written in Elisp.

I am, however, in favor of making things easier for people to implement
tree-sitter grammar, if anything can be done to help this from Org side
without actually having to write and maintain that grammar.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode maintainer,
Learn more about Org mode at <>.
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