Visuwesh <> writes: > Attached patch formats vector and matrix results from a Calc source > block as Org table. To test, try > ... > now. The patch passes the old tests, and I added three new tests to > check the correctness of this conversion.
Thanks! etc/ORG-NEWS entry seems to be displaced. It should be under Org 9.8 heading. Also, the patch does not apply onto the latest main. > -<point>#+BEGIN_SRC calc :results silent :var a=ob-calc-table-1 > +<point>#+BEGIN_SRC calc :results silent verbatim :var a=ob-calc-table-1 You had to change the tests, so we have a breaking change. The change can be viewed as a bug fix since ob-calc previously did not conform to babel conventions, so I do not object changing the defaults. However, we need to inform the affected users and put the announcement into "breaking changes" section. We should also recommend changing org-babel-default-header-args:calc to restore the old behavior. -- Ihor Radchenko // yantar92, Org mode maintainer, Learn more about Org mode at <>. Support Org development at <>, or support my work at <>