Paul Stansell <> writes:

>> May it be that you often have multiple Emacs processes running
>> simultaneously and killed by signal?
> I do typically have multiple Emacs processes running simultaneously, but
> I'm not aware that I kill Emacs processes, I either quit Emacs with C-x
> C-c, or I click on the "X" in the top right of the window.  Could the
> latter be sending a kill signal?

No idea :)
In any case, your errors look like some kind of mixed state from
multiple Emacs sessions writing to the same cache file.
May you try the attached patch?

> ... By the way, I've exited Emacs by clicking
> the "X" for years, but I've only recently noticed the warnings.  Also, if I
> switch to using the version of Org Mode that comes with the distribution
> (Kubuntu 22.04), instead of using the recent one from a git clone, I don't
> think I get the warmings.

That's because disk cache has been introduced in the recent Org mode

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode maintainer,
Learn more about Org mode at <>.
Support Org development at <>,
or support my work at <>

>From 15b8681c0c8db555b20d70b2a47cef996ff1cebf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
Message-ID: <>
From: Ihor Radchenko <>
Date: Tue, 24 Dec 2024 09:45:42 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] org-persist: Fix mixing cace data from multiple Emacs

* lisp/org-persist.el (org-persist--write-elisp-file): When there is a
clash with other Emacs process while writing cache data, discard the
cache to avoid any problem.
(org-persist-write): Return nil when any kind of error occurs when
(org-persist--gc-orphan-p): Bail out when writing fails.

Reported-by: Paul Stansell <>
 lisp/org-persist.el | 26 ++++++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/org-persist.el b/lisp/org-persist.el
index 886d227c0a..788714fb15 100644
--- a/lisp/org-persist.el
+++ b/lisp/org-persist.el
@@ -478,11 +478,12 @@ (defun org-persist--write-elisp-file (file data &optional no-circular pp)
         (start-time (float-time)))
     (unless (file-exists-p (file-name-directory file))
       (make-directory (file-name-directory file) t))
-    ;; Force writing even when the file happens to be opened by
-    ;; another Emacs process.
+    ;; Discard cache when there is a clash with other Emacs process.
+    ;; This way, we make sure that cache is never mixing data & record
+    ;; from different processes.
     (cl-letf (((symbol-function #'ask-user-about-lock)
-               ;; FIXME: Emacs 27 does not yet have `always'.
-               (lambda (&rest _) t)))
+               (lambda (&rest _)
+                 (error "Other Emacs process is writing to cache"))))
       (with-temp-file file
         (insert ";;   -*- mode: lisp-data; -*-\n")
         (if pp
@@ -1120,12 +1121,13 @@ (defun org-persist-write (container &optional associated ignore-return)
              (seq-find (lambda (v)
                          (run-hook-with-args-until-success 'org-persist-before-write-hook v associated))
                        (plist-get collection :container)))
-      (when (or (file-exists-p org-persist-directory) (org-persist--save-index))
-        (let ((file (org-file-name-concat org-persist-directory (plist-get collection :persist-file)))
-              (data (mapcar (lambda (c) (cons c (org-persist-write:generic c collection)))
-                            (plist-get collection :container))))
-          (org-persist--write-elisp-file file data)
-          (or ignore-return (org-persist-read container associated)))))))
+      (ignore-errors
+        (when (or (file-exists-p org-persist-directory) (org-persist--save-index))
+          (let ((file (org-file-name-concat org-persist-directory (plist-get collection :persist-file)))
+                (data (mapcar (lambda (c) (cons c (org-persist-write:generic c collection)))
+                              (plist-get collection :container))))
+            (org-persist--write-elisp-file file data)
+            (or ignore-return (org-persist-read container associated))))))))
 (defun org-persist-write-all (&optional associated)
   "Save all the persistent data.
@@ -1226,7 +1228,7 @@ (defun org-persist--refresh-gc-lock ()
       (when (< (- (float-time (cdr record)) (float-time (current-time)))
         (push record new-alist)))
-    (org-persist--write-elisp-file file new-alist)))
+    (ignore-errors (org-persist--write-elisp-file file new-alist))))
 (defun org-persist--gc-orphan-p ()
   "Return non-nil, when orphan files should be garbage-collected.
@@ -1234,7 +1236,7 @@ (defun org-persist--gc-orphan-p ()
   (let* ((file (org-file-name-concat org-persist-directory org-persist-gc-lock-file))
          (alist (when (file-exists-p file) (org-persist--read-elisp-file file))))
     (setq alist (org-assoc-delete-all before-init-time alist))
-    (org-persist--write-elisp-file file alist)
+    (ignore-errors (org-persist--write-elisp-file file alist))
     ;; Only GC orphan files when there are no active sessions.
     (not alist)))

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