Max Nikulin <> writes:

> On 18/12/2024 11:13, Joseph Turner wrote:
>> Is there a way to make Emacs ignore Local Variables lists which
>> appear
>> inside of source blocks?
>> For example, is there a way to include the following content in an
>> Org
>> file without Emacs attempting to locally set foo to bar?
>>    # Local Variables:
>>    # foo: 'bar
>>    # End:
> Have you tried to create a comment block below?
> #+begin_comment
> Deactivate local variables above in the example block:
> Local Variables:
> End:
> #+end_comment

In my testing, in order to make Emacs ignore the `foo: bar' binding, the
empty Local Variables list actually needs to go first.

> If it is not enough (and breaking the example into 2 parts is not
> acceptable) then ask Emacs developers. I do not think, Org should (and
> has a chance) to deal with this feature

Yes, I agree that Org should not deal with this feature.

Splitting the example into two parts results in "File mode specification
error: (user-error Local variables entry is missing the prefix) " upon
opening the file.  You can test with this:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
  # Local Variables:

  # org-srs-review-new-items-per-day: 30
  # org-srs-review-max-reviews-per-day: 100
  # End:
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

> (info "(emacs) Specifying File Variables")

By the way, is there a built-in command to copy that (info ...) sexp
when viewing that info page?

> <>

Thanks, I just re-read that page more carefully, and I see this:

    If some unrelated text might look to Emacs as a local variables
    list, you can countermand that by inserting a form-feed character (a
    page delimiter, *note Pages::) after that text.  Emacs only looks for
    file-local variables in the last page of a file, after the last page

In the org-srs, I think we can just throw a  at the bottom
of the file (or before a Local Variables list which we do want to use).

Problem solved!  Thank you, Max!


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