> Regarding the normalization with interactive, if you are not using
> transient infixes and instead lean on the :info class and dynamic
> :descriptions, you can display state and store it using normal buffer-local
> and defvar techniques, providing visual feedback for what might be hidden
> states after the user gets more familiar.  The commands work with or
> without a prefix currently active.  In this usage model, you only use
> Transient for its flow control, display, and layout.  I find the infix
> system to be somewhat of a distraction if you are not actually building a
> CLI wrapper, but you can definitely make suffixes and descriptions "smart"
> by reading a scope from the prefix and making custom infixes that also
> obtain more state when displayed.  A custom infix for storing org elements
> or objects could certainly be a thing.

Do you have an example of using buffer-local variables to store
transient state?  Directing me to an appropriate section of the
showcase should be plenty.


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