Hello, I've look around, and I haven't found a way to achieve the result I would like regarding recurring events (and not tasks)
Let's say I want to insert my yoga class in my Agenda. This class starts on date X, it is planned to repeat every week, for 8 weeks. In my "agenda.org" file I would write: * Events ** Yoga Class <2024-10-07 Mon 16:00-17:30 +1w> That would display the class every week, but forever, that isn't ideal. If I change the timestamp to: <2024-10-07 Mon 16:00-17:30 +1w>--<2024-11-25 Mon> Then the event will appear in the agenda every day between 2024-10-07 and 2024-11-25, that's not right. It seems like time/date ranges do not respect repeaters. I know one way to do this would be to enter multiple timestamps, or multiple headings with timestamps for every occurences of the event. That would be manageable for my yoga class example, but that wouldn't work for recurring events that are repeated for a large or unknown number of times. Right now, what I can do is follow my first example, and when the recurring event is over, I archive it. This is fine, but still not ideal, because until I archive it, the event appears weekly forever. If I'm planning an event in the future, I would have to remember that this event that appears in my weekly schedule should not be there. And when I archive the event, it also disappears from the agenda history (if I look at previous weeks, the event isn't there anymore, because it is now archived). So I guess this question is also a feature request: It would be nice if Org-mode could take into account "repeater" while implementing time ranges. If no repeater is set, the event/task will appear every day during the range, like it currently does, but if there is a repeater that says, for example, +1w, then the event/task will appear only once a week, on the given day, in the given time range. Thanks for your time and support, Renaud B.