"Fraga, Eric" <e.fr...@ucl.ac.uk> writes:

> > The escaped quotes seem to be recognized literally as expected.  This
> > saves me from my org hack!
> Excellent!


> Happy to have been able to help.  gnuplot is a brilliant tool but
> sometimes difficult to get exactly what you want due to its rather
> idiosyncratic syntax (that comes from the organic growth of features).
> But ever so powerful (like org) once you get comfortable with the
> various features.

I'll try to use it a bit more, also for math.  It's a bit confusing that
it's not "Gnu" software despite its name.

And one of the versions that ships with Debian stable (there a multiple
- AFAIR it was the "gnuplot-x11" named one) was terribly broken - when I
started gnuplot it ate all of my free RAM memory, lots of GiB, in five
seconds.  Had to restart my computer.


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