"Fraga, Eric" <e.fr...@ucl.ac.uk> writes:

> Sure, see attached.  This example has a table of data to plot (simple
> example with two columns) and the gnuplot src block to create a PDF
> plot.  You invoke gnuplot by typing C-c C-c in the src block.  You can
> then view the result with C-c C-o.
> [...]

Ok... I had to (require 'ob-gnuplot), but then the example worked fine.
It took a while but I got my own table work as well, more or less (see

Thank you very much!

"Max Nikulin" <maniku...@gmail.com> writes:

> <https://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/languages/ob-doc-gnuplot.html>

Very nice overview and reference, thank you very much as well.

I now have one remaining problem: my time values in the second column
contain the name of the time zone - the purpose is to flag the time as
summer or winter time.  Currently I need to remove these indicators from
the table, else plotting fail, gnuplot doesn't understand the data.

Can I tell "ob-gnuplot" to export the table in a different way - how?

The time zone makes a difference when exporting since the generated
data file has a different format: the time fields including the timezone
get wrapped in quotation marks, without time zone they are exported

Thanks again,


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