On 29/11/2024 23:26, Suhail Singh wrote:
+++ b/org-contrib/babel/languages/ob-doc-gnuplot.org
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ * Introduction
  usage. Since babel is simply allowing native code to run inside of
  Org-mode, all gnuplot documentation is applicable and valid. [fn:1]
-This file may be downloaded here: [[https://orgmode.org/worg/sources/org-contrib/babel/examples/org-babel- gnuplot.org][org-babel-gnuplot.org]]. The image

I have realized that ob-doc-gnuplot.org and org-babel-gnuplot.org files are quite similar. The latter have not got some recent update though. I think, the former may use noweb to have source code blocks active while using the same content for exporting with header arguments. Are there any other reason why duplicated content exists? I would drop one file to avoid divergence.

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