Phil Estival <> writes:

> I will keep running ob-sql with :session in the next days.
> This work configuration should help to detect if there is an anomaly.
> Shall I submit a patch?


> Since many lines are changed due to proper indentation, docstrings,
> untabification and a few lateral improvements, I was wondering if
> such a patch has to be gradual and minimize sudden changes.

If you can make a series of patches introducing individual changes, it
would be best. A single patch will also be ok.

> Also I'm trying to run the tests with
> : make BTEST_RE='ob-sql.*' test-dirty
> but they get skipped due to a missing dependency,
> and I don't know in which direction to look for from there.
> Below is what the command returns. Any idea ?

Check your
ob-sql tests are disabled by default. You need to modify BTEST_OB_LANGUAGES

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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