Rectification: Adding a "#+STARTUP: overview" on top of my habits
org-mode file did not change anything with org-agenda follow indirect

Yes, if I manually open my habits org-mode file everything is folded.
And if I unfold a task, its drawers are still folded. Which is correct.

But when the same task is shown on an indirect buffer by org-agenda
follow mode, every drawers are unfolded.

Sébastien Gendre <> writes:

> [[PGP Signed Part:Good signature from B586F7C77239E29E Sébastien Gendre 
> <> (trust ultimate) created at 2024-11-11T00:34:15+0100 using RSA]]
> Hello,
> I have solve my 2 problems.
> For the first one: All drawers are unfolded when agenda indirect follow
> mode show me the selected task.
> The solution is simple: By default, when you display the content of an
> Org file, everything is unfolded, including the drawers.
> Based on the manual [1], this can be managed with the variable
> `org-startup-folded` or the buffer setting `#+STARTUP:`. By default, the
> variable `org-startup-folded` is set to `showeverything`. Which tell
> Org-mode to unfold every headings, drawers, etc.
> I misunderstood the default behavior of Org-mode because, when I tested
> the add of a property to a new heading, the newly created "properties"
> drawer was folded. Same with the "logbook" drawer. But if I save the
> buffer to a file, close it and re-open the file, the drawers are
> unfolded.
> For my usage, I decided to keep the default behavior (unfold
> everything). Except for the file that keep my habits. The logbook drawer
> of my habits are too long to be unfolded when displayed by Org-agenda
> indirect follow.
> For the second problem: When a task have to many lines, the window
> opened by indirect follow mode is too tall, forcing the agenda
> window to be too small to be usable.
> Thanks to Karthik Chikmagalur, who tell me that the window behavior of
> Org-mode have changed with a commit from may this year, I updated to
> Org-mode 9.7. And my problem is solved with this new version.
> That it. I hope my summary is not too long and could help someone else
> with same problem.
> Have a nice day.
> [1]
> Sébastien Gendre <> writes:
>> [[PGP Signed Part:Good signature from B586F7C77239E29E Sébastien
>> Gendre <> (trust ultimate) created at
>> 2024-11-05T09:02:13+0100 using RSA]]
>> Hello,
>> I have enabled the indirect follow-mode when the agenda start. Now, for
>> each agenda item, I can see the selected item details and only it. Which
>> is great.
>> But I have multiple questions about it.
>> When a task have drawers, they are shown open. How a can I hide
>> them in this indirect follow mode ? I didn't enable the opening of
>> drawers in my config and if I remember they are hidden by default.
>> The display of a task, with the indirect follow mode, is done bellow the
>> agenda, and it's window size is adapted to the length of the task
>> body. But when a task have a lot of text, it's window size take most
>> of the place and the agenda window is too small. How can I prevent the
>> task window to take all the place ?
>> When I want to edit a task and press "TAB", the point is moved to
>> a window that show all the task. Not into the window opened by the
>> indirect follow mode. Is it possible to modify this ?
>> Best regards
>> -------
>> Gendre Sébastien
>> [[End of PGP Signed Part]]
> [[End of PGP Signed Part]]

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