Hello, I have solve my 2 problems.
For the first one: All drawers are unfolded when agenda indirect follow mode show me the selected task. The solution is simple: By default, when you display the content of an Org file, everything is unfolded, including the drawers. Based on the manual [1], this can be managed with the variable `org-startup-folded` or the buffer setting `#+STARTUP:`. By default, the variable `org-startup-folded` is set to `showeverything`. Which tell Org-mode to unfold every headings, drawers, etc. I misunderstood the default behavior of Org-mode because, when I tested the add of a property to a new heading, the newly created "properties" drawer was folded. Same with the "logbook" drawer. But if I save the buffer to a file, close it and re-open the file, the drawers are unfolded. For my usage, I decided to keep the default behavior (unfold everything). Except for the file that keep my habits. The logbook drawer of my habits are too long to be unfolded when displayed by Org-agenda indirect follow. For the second problem: When a task have to many lines, the window opened by indirect follow mode is too tall, forcing the agenda window to be too small to be usable. Thanks to Karthik Chikmagalur, who tell me that the window behavior of Org-mode have changed with a commit from may this year, I updated to Org-mode 9.7. And my problem is solved with this new version. That it. I hope my summary is not too long and could help someone else with same problem. Have a nice day. [1] https://orgmode.org/manual/Initial-visibility.html Sébastien Gendre <s...@k-7.ch> writes: > [[PGP Signed Part:Good signature from B586F7C77239E29E Sébastien Gendre > <s...@k-7.ch> (trust ultimate) created at 2024-11-05T09:02:13+0100 using RSA]] > Hello, > > I have enabled the indirect follow-mode when the agenda start. Now, for > each agenda item, I can see the selected item details and only it. Which > is great. > > But I have multiple questions about it. > > > When a task have drawers, they are shown open. How a can I hide > them in this indirect follow mode ? I didn't enable the opening of > drawers in my config and if I remember they are hidden by default. > > > The display of a task, with the indirect follow mode, is done bellow the > agenda, and it's window size is adapted to the length of the task > body. But when a task have a lot of text, it's window size take most > of the place and the agenda window is too small. How can I prevent the > task window to take all the place ? > > > When I want to edit a task and press "TAB", the point is moved to > a window that show all the task. Not into the window opened by the > indirect follow mode. Is it possible to modify this ? > > > > Best regards > > ------- > Gendre Sébastien > > > [[End of PGP Signed Part]]
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