jman <> writes:

> Note: I think it also works without setting `:environment tabular`, why?

The `:environment` attribute sets the LaTeX table environment, in this case 
tabular. If
you omit it, it uses `org-latex-default-table-enviroment', which defaults to 
"tabular", so
that wouldn't make a difference in this case.

Check out section "13.10.5 Tables in LaTeX export" of the Org manual:

    (info "(org) Tables in LaTeX export")

         Set the default LaTeX table environment for the LaTeX export
         backend to use when exporting Org tables.  Common LaTeX table
         environments are provided by these packages: tabularx, longtable,
         array, tabu, and bmatrix.  [...]

For example, try this out:

#+ATTR_LATEX: :environment longtable :align |l|l|l|
| one | two | three |
|   1 |   2 |     3 |

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