jman <> writes: > Note: I think it also works without setting `:environment tabular`, why?
The `:environment` attribute sets the LaTeX table environment, in this case tabular. If you omit it, it uses `org-latex-default-table-enviroment', which defaults to "tabular", so that wouldn't make a difference in this case. Check out section "13.10.5 Tables in LaTeX export" of the Org manual: (info "(org) Tables in LaTeX export") ‘:environment’ Set the default LaTeX table environment for the LaTeX export backend to use when exporting Org tables. Common LaTeX table environments are provided by these packages: tabularx, longtable, array, tabu, and bmatrix. [...] For example, try this out: #+ATTR_LATEX: :environment longtable :align |l|l|l| |-----+-----+-------| | one | two | three | |-----+-----+-------| | 1 | 2 | 3 | |-----+-----+-------|