[சனி அக்டோபர் 19, 2024] Ihor Radchenko wrote:

> Visuwesh <visuwe...@gmail.com> writes:
>>> Debugger entered--returning value: 
>>> #("1\0\11\0002\0\11\0003\0\n\0004\0\11\0005\0\11\0006\0\n\0" 0 24 
>>> (foreign-selection application/x-libreoffice-tsvc))
>>>   (gui-get-selection PRIMARY application/x-libreoffice-tsvc)
>>>   (progn (debug) (gui-get-selection 'PRIMARY 
>>> 'application/x-libreoffice-tsvc))
>> Thanks so it is confirmed that yank-media does not do any conversion.
>> What if you instead do
>>     (x-get-selection-internal 'PRIMARY 'application/x-libreoffice-tsvc)
> Debugger entered--returning value: 
> #("1\0\11\0002\0\11\0003\0\n\0004\0\11\0005\0\11\0006\0\n\0" 0 24 
> (foreign-selection STRING))
>   (x-get-selection-internal PRIMARY application/x-libreoffice-tsvc)
>   (progn (debug) (x-get-selection-internal 'PRIMARY 
> 'application/x-libreoffice-tsvc))
>> ?  I am not sure if it will reveal anything.  Also, what is the value of
>> x-select-request-type?
> nil

Sorry, I am seriously out of clues.  We could outright remove the NULL
bytes if they do not change the underlying text but this feels like a
hack...  I hope someone else can reproduce this issue on their end.  I
do not have another Linux system in which I could freely install Emacs
and test this out.

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