[சனி அக்டோபர் 19, 2024] Ihor Radchenko wrote:

> Visuwesh <visuwe...@gmail.com> writes:
>> My LibreOffice version is
>>     % libreoffice --version
>>     LibreOffice 420(Build:2)
> LibreOffice 60(Build:2)

It might not be the version after all...  I downloaded the AppImage from
https://appimages.libreitalia.org/ (listed in
https://www.libreoffice.org/download/appimage/) and it does not have
NULL bytes at all:

    Debugger entered: (#("1\0112\0113\n4\0115\0116\n" 0 12 (foreign-selection 
      (progn (debug nil (gui-get-selection 'PRIMARY 

\011 is the TAB character.

    % ./LibreOffice- --version
    LibreOffice 5b1f5509c2decdade7fda905e3e1429a67acd63d

>>> As you can see, the data contains \0 characters.
>> Just to be sure that yank-media is not in the middle of encoding
>> problem, can you say what
>>     (gui-get-selection 'PRIMARY 'application/x-libreoffice-tsvc)
>> returns?  If it contains NULL bytes too, then I would be completely
>> clueless.
> Debugger entered--returning value: 
> #("1\0\11\0002\0\11\0003\0\n\0004\0\11\0005\0\11\0006\0\n\0" 0 24 
> (foreign-selection application/x-libreoffice-tsvc))
>   (gui-get-selection PRIMARY application/x-libreoffice-tsvc)
>   (progn (debug) (gui-get-selection 'PRIMARY 'application/x-libreoffice-tsvc))

Thanks so it is confirmed that yank-media does not do any conversion.
What if you instead do

    (x-get-selection-internal 'PRIMARY 'application/x-libreoffice-tsvc)

?  I am not sure if it will reveal anything.  Also, what is the value of

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