On 2024-10-18 00:44 +05:30, Dr. Volker Zell wrote:

Result should be like the following to be used with the datatable framwork

<table id="example" class="cell-border hover compact" width="100%">

       <td>Tiger Nixon</td>
       <td>System Architect</td>
       <td>Ashton Cox</td>
       <td>Technical Author</td>
       <td>San Francisco</td>


AFAIK, exporting tables with specific id attributes is not straightforward,
but you can abuse the class attribute by putting the id in it.  For example,
if you export a file with the following text (C-c C-e h h), the output may be
like what you want.


#+title: Org Tables to DataTables
#+html_doctype: html5
#+html_head: <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.7.1.min.js";></script>
#+html_head: <script 
#+html_head: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" 
href="https://cdn.datatables.net/2.1.8/css/dataTables.dataTables.min.css"; />
#+html_head: <script>$(document).ready(function () 
#+html_head: <script>$(document).ready(function () 
{$('table.another-example').DataTable({lengthMenu: [3, {label: 'All', value: 

This is an example table.

#+attr_html: :class example cell-border hover compact :width 100%
| Name        | Position         | Office        |
| Tiger Nixon | System Architect | Edinburgh     |
| Ashton Cox  | Technical Author | San Francisco |


This is another example table.

#+attr_html: :class another-example display
| Author            | Title                   | Shelf |
| Capote, Truman    | In cold blood           | D3B   |
| Chandler, Raymond | The high window         | D3B   |
| Dai, Mamang       | The legends of Pensam   | D3B   |
| Desai, Kiran      | The inheritance of loss | D3B   |
| Farrell, J. G.    | The hill station        | C1B   |

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