Hi. I'm still failing to understand how to customize latex export.

I've set up a new clean install of Debian 5.02 with emacs 22.2 and
org-mode 6.27a
(the version for testing). Org-mode was installed using synaptic.

With no header lines in the .org file the latex preamble is

% Created 2009-08-07 Fri 21:53

This already seems strange because when I go to org-customize in emacs
what I see
in Org Format Latex Header, in lisp is

"\\documentclass{article}\n\\usepackage{fullpage}         % do not
            % do not remove"

which doesn't correspond to the actual preamble. Anyway I added some
lines to change a
couple of features, as follows:

"\\documentclass{article}\n\\usepackage{fullpage}         % do not
            % do not

and this had no effect on the exported tex file. (I do set and save.)

I don't want to write a new class file for LaTeX. I just want to be
able to add a couple
of dozen setlength and (re)newcommand lines (as well as usepackage
lines) to every LaTeX
export. I did experiment briefly with using per-file export settings,
but this didn't
work for me either.

I expect I'm missing something obvious. Pointer would be much appreciated.


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