Hi Lennart,

(I'm copying the Orgmode mailing list because it helps to get people's
opinion on such ideas...)

Lennart Borgman <lennart.borg...@gmail.com> writes:

> I am missing the minor mode org-link-mode. I just had a look at
> linkd.el again and decided I wanted to ask you to make a minor mode
> out of the link handling in org instead.

Org already lets you create links from nearly anywhere in Emacs. 

What would such a minor mode do?

> I have a minor mode which I call mlink-mode for link handling. The
> main purpose of that at the moment is creating links in html files and
> for making links out of variables in elisp file so that you quickly
> can jump to definitions. 

`org-store-link' can handle HTML and elisp files okay.

> However there is no "insert link". That is
> what I am looking for and then it looks to me like what I want is
> already there in org-mode, but...

You can of course insert links in Org-mode files.  Is your idea about
inserting links outside of Org-mode files?  Can you give an example?

> The purpose of mlinks.el was to try to unifiy links in some way so I
> will probably try to unify it with org links if you break it out.

I think I need more background on what are the main features of
linkd.el and mlinks.el -- and what are the ones you miss in Org...  

Thanks for further clarifications :)


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