Consider the following file.
#+HEADER: :tangle /tmp/ #+BEGIN_SRC org ,* COMMENT a paragraph ,* COMMENT b paragraph ,* COMMENT c paragraph #+END_SRC I started Emacs using the command shown below. #+BEGIN_SRC sh emacs -Q /tmp/ #+END_SRC I evaluated the following sexp using M-: (eval-expression) while being in the buffer #+BEGIN_SRC elisp (progn (require 'org-num) (setq org-num-skip-commented t) (org-num-mode 1) (setq org-num-skip-commented nil)) #+END_SRC I inserted an =a= character at the end of first line in the buffer. * What happend? The virtual numbering was shown for the first headline. #+BEGIN_SRC org ,* 1 COMMENT aa paragraph ,* COMMENT b paragraph ,* COMMENT c paragraph #+END_SRC * What should have happened? The virtual numbering should have been shown for all headlines. #+BEGIN_SRC org ,* 1 COMMENT aa paragraph ,* 2 COMMENT b paragraph ,* 3 COMMENT c paragraph #+END_SRC