According to the docs [1] for Include files, if you omit the optional second and third parameters, "the text will be assumed to be in Org mode format and will be processed normally." However, it does not appear that the structure of the included content is recognized by org mode, which dumps the headers for the sections of the included file into a single paragraph, with some random commas injected.
Here's a repro case: $ cat * Intro Blah blah * Data Structures #+INCLUDE: "" * Algorithms More blah $ cat ** Tables foo bar ** Views blech ** Stored Procedures - one - two Here's a link to the resulting HTML: Here's what the interesting segment of the HTML source looks like (the results of org-export-as-html): <p>,** Tables foo bar ,** Views blech ,** Stored Procedures </p><ul> <li> one </li> <li> two </li> </ul> Is this a known bug? I can reproduce this behavior on a number of versions of org-mode, including the latest released version (6.29c). [1] -- Bob Kline <> _______________________________________________ Emacs-orgmode mailing list Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.