
I am living with this bug since a long time, I thought I was asking maybe something very special.

But then I find on a org-capture that goes to an inbox entry:

1. if prepend is nil, does not work on the first time (?)
2. works when number of entries is greater than 1
3. never works when prepend is t

Find attached org-capture-cookies-bug.org which I think it makes it very easy to reproduce. Tested with ~emacs -Q~ with orgmode 9.7.10 and emacs-30 branch with commit 44c2614


[1] I mean, like running this function: (org-update-statistics-cookies nil)

* inbox ~:prepend nil~ works except first element (?) [3/3] [100%]
:CUSTOM_ID: inbox_prepend_nil
** DONE Test title
** DONE Test title
** DONE Test title
* inbox ~:prepend t~ never works (?) [0/0] [0%]
:CUSTOM_ID: inbox_prepend_t
** DONE Test title
** DONE Test title
** DONE Test title
* run this

with ~:prepend nil~, cookies are updated, *except for some reason, the first item*

#+name: prepend_t
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results none
(defun my/goto ()
  (org-link-open-from-string "[[#inbox_prepend_nil]]"))
(setq org-capture-templates
        ("t" "test" entry (function my/goto)  "** DONE Test title" :immediate-finish t :prepend nil)

;; run org-capture noninteractive
(org-capture nil "t")

with ~:prepend t~, cookies are *not* updated

#+name: prepend_nil
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results none
(defun my/goto ()
  (org-link-open-from-string "[[#inbox_prepend_t]]"))
(setq org-capture-templates
        ("t" "test" entry (function my/goto)  "** DONE Test title" :immediate-finish t :prepend t)

;; run org-capture noninteractive
(org-capture nil "t")

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