Orm Finnendahl <orm.finnend...@selma.hfmdk-frankfurt.de> writes:

> org-export--write-ouput inserts the output string into a temp-buffer
> before writing it to file. When exporting to multipage I found out
> that this imposes a pretty significant performance hit. That's why I
> write the output string directly to file in my own code.
> Is it sensitive to set an optional argument to circumvent the buffer
> insert (or circumvent it altogether)?

There is no particular reason why we use temporary buffer to write to
file. However, I am surprised that it produces performance hit -
`with-temp-buffer' should disable all kinds of hooks, except in
distributions like Doom that abuse advices and hook into buffer creation

Do you know the source of the performance problem? Are you sure that it
is creating the buffer and is not related to the packages you have installed?

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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