
I got a bug when I try to yank a screenshot made with Gnome-shell.
I don't know yet if it's a bug with Org-mode handling the media, or the
yank-media function or the Gnome-shell screenshot feature.

What I do:

* From the system menu of Gnome-shell, I choose the action to take a

* I took a screenshot from a selected zone, confirm the screenshot and
  got a notification message telling me "You can past the screenshot
  from the clipboard"

* On an Org-mode document, I place the point where I want to past the
  screenshot and call the Emacs function "yank-media"

What I get:

* In the mini-buffer, I get the error message:
  "Wrong type argument: sequencep, image/png"

* If I go into the "*Messages*" buffer, the full error message is:
  "seq-do: Wrong type argument: sequencep, image/png"

What I expected:

* The image present in the clipboard is attached to the org-mode heading
  and a link to this attachment is created under the point


* Org-mode: 9.7.2

* Emacs: 29.4

* Gnome-shell: 46.3.1

Best regards

Gendre Sébastien

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