Hi Sébastien,

Thanks for giving this a try, comments below...

Sébastien Vauban <wxhgmqzgw...@spammotel.com> writes:

> Hi Eric,
> "Eric Schulte" wrote:
>> "Eric Schulte" <schulte.e...@gmail.com> writes:


>>> As source-code blocks are already named in the current org-babel setup this
>>> wouldn't be a very significant change. Once this is added it shouldn't be
>>> difficult to expand these links/references on export.
> Excellent.
>>> Under this new setup the example file you described would be analogous
>>> to the this org-mode file.
>>> Does this sound like it would accomplish most of what you are after?
> I think so, yes. I'll scan all my Nuweb and noweb files over the past years,
> but I am positive you cover all of my needs -- with the exception of one, but
> I guess it's solvable somehow: the fact that the code should be included via
> the LaTeX `listings' package (thus, colored contextually to the programming
> language) and not as verbatim.

I agree fontified code would certainly be preferable to the current
approach of inserting source-code as verbatim.  This seems to be a
general org-mode development issue rather than org-babel specific, so
I'm happy to push the buck on this one :).  I don't know much about the
listings package, but would another possibly be easier to use htmlize.el
(used for fontification on html export) along with html -> latex

>> With the newest version of org-babel [1]
> Done: `git pull'.

Please do another git pull before trying the steps below so we can be
sure we're working off the same code base.

> >
>> try opening the attached org-mode file [2] which is an org-mode
>> translation of Sébastien's noweb file from his previous email.
> I wanted to translate it in Org. You've been much quicker than I currently am.
> Thanks.
>> Calling `org-babel-tangle' from within this file will create the
>> Payment.sql, Lessons.sql, and Enterprise.sql source-code files.
> Nope...
> Open ~/Personal/Templates/org-babel-lit-prog.org
> tangled 0 source-code blocks
> I don't understand why.

Me either...  I'm not sure what could be different about our two
environments that could be causing this problem.  Maybe it has to do
with the

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
(setq org-odd-levels-only t)
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

that you mention below.  Also note that with org-babel by default
source-code blocks are not tangled, only those with a :tangle header
argument will be tangled to source-code files.  So for example

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
#+srcname: sql-init
#+begin_src sql
  -- <<sql-init>>
  SELECT abcID, etpID, etpAssurATPolNum
  FROM enterprise JOIN record
      ON (etpAbcID_fk = abcID)
  WHERE etpAbcID_fk
  -- <<sql-cond>>
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

will not be tangled, while

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
#+srcname: enterprise
#+begin_src sql :tangle Enterprise
  -- <<sql-init>>
  SELECT abcID, etpID, etpAssurATPolNum
  FROM enterprise JOIN record
      ON (etpAbcID_fk = abcID)
  WHERE etpAbcID_fk
  -- <<sql-cond>>
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

will be tangled.

I have changed the original org-babel-lit-prog.org so that it should
work with your configuration of odd levels only and posted it up here

  Note that you can grab all of these referenced files by cloning the
  git repo at git://github.com/eschulte/noweb-example.git.

By calling org-babel-tangle from within this org-mode file I was able to
generate Enterprise.sql [2], Lessons.sql [3], and Payment.sql [4].

> Is it normal that you don't include the extension in the tangle property?
> Does it add the language extension automatically?

Yes, org-babel adds the language specific extension automatically.  This
could be changed/overridden if it proves to limiting.  It grew out of
the fact that originally source-code files were named based upon the
basename of the org-mode file and the language extension.

>> The document can also be exported into html and latex using org-mode's
>> standard export functionality.
> I have problems as well...

Again maybe this is the result of conflicting values of
org-odd-levels-only?  Please try this with the newer org-mode file [1].
I was able to export this to latex resulting in the following tex file
[5] and pdf file [6].  I was also able to export this file to html which
includes code highlighting [7].


> BTW, what do you think of my proposal to include the Tangle process as a
> built-in step of the export to LaTeX (and HTML)?
> That way, we only would export and get both flies caught with one stone.

I like that idea, once this is working as two separate processes it
should be relatively trivial to optionally hook org-babel-tangle onto
the other export commands.

> Thanks for all!  This is seriously a hot topic you've almost solved...
> Seb

Sorry I can't be more specific with answers to your problems tangling
and exporting.  Please do give the new org-mode file [1] a try with the
latest version org-babel and let me know if the problems persist.

Cheers -- Eric









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