Hi Sam,

Not to be overly picky, but I think the scenario you described (while
very engaging) is an instance of Reproducible Research [1].  My
understanding of Reproducible Research and Literate Programming and
their relation is as follows...

- Literate Programming :: A style of programming in which the source
     code is a work of literature (i.e. is intended for human
     consumption) and is structured in such a way that a machine
     readable version can be automatically extracted from the primary
- Reporducable Research :: A style of publishing information in which
     the raw data and analysis are embedded in the published document
     such that the analysis can be re-run and analyzed by any reader.

I think the difference between these two is that in LP the "product" is
the executable piece of software, where as in RR the "product" is the
document itself.

Cheers -- Eric

PS: The initial goal of the org-babel suite was to implement Sweave type
functionality as part of org-mode.

sam kleinman <ga...@tychoish.com> writes:

> On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 10:41:50PM +0200, Sébastien Vauban wrote:
>> I've heard that Knuth told about it in those words: it's when we will be able
>> to read the code of a software in our bed, reading a book made of 90% of
>> documentation and 10% of code. If someone can find this phrase somewhere...
> Here's a literate programing example: 
> I talked with a statistician, programer and human rights violation
> researcher, who wrote (with his team) reports of statistical studies
> of data regarding possible genocide incidents. He wrote the LaTeX
> documents which, within the text of the document, all values and
> analysis' were called in and generated when LaTeX ran, so that as data
> was collected, and the report was recompiled the analysis was
> completed with the most up-to-date version of the data, and that the
> production of the text was isolated from the collection of data, and
> from the analysis of those figures. 
> The stack itself, was comprised of Sweave
> <http://www.stat.umn.edu/~charlie/Sweave/> R for stats processing,
> make, and a little bit of python for glue. I think. 
> As an example. I'm not an expert either on this stuff. 
> Cheers,
> sam
> --
> tycho(ish) @
> ga...@tychoish.com
> http://www.tychoish.com/
> http://www.criticalfutures.com/
> "don't get it right, get it written" -- james thurber
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[1]  http://www.reproducibleresearch.org/

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