On 29/04/2024 19:45, Alexandros Prekates wrote:

The same behavior happens with emacs -Q.

bla [[foo]]

If i add :
[[boo]] bla [[foo]]
org will create the two links.

But if i add:
[[boo][  bla [[foo]]
with the intention to type: [[boo][description]]  bla [[foo]]
then what i will get is: a link to boo with description : bla [[foo

This case you can keep calm and continue typing "description]]".

I have a more weird example. Consider you are going to get

- [[#foo]] and [[#bar]]

starting from

- <point>[[#bar]]

There is no problem till

- [[#foo<point>[[#bar]]

However in response to "]" point is moved after "["

- [[#foo][<point>[#bar]]

that is displayed as

- <point>[#bar

I do not see other ways than undo, SPC, and moving back. It would be great to keep point between brackets "]<point>[" this case. I have no idea if it is feasible to postpone hiding link target when such pattern is typed.

I have descriptive links enabled despite most of links in my notes are like [[#CUSTOM_ID]]. There are still some links with descriptions.

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