Nathan Neff <> writes:

> I know that I can set this variable or define a custom agenda view
> if I only want to see clocked items in the agenda:
> (setq org-agenda-log-mode-items (quote (clock)))
> But, I like the way that the 'l' and 'R' keys work in the agenda,
> where they show/hide
> the log and the clock report.
> Is there a way to define something similar for the showing/hiding of
> Closed log items in the agenda?
> I'm not very good at lisp, so something like this pseudo-code:
> (defun org-toggle-agenda-show-closed-logs ()
> ;; pseudo code ------
> if org-agenda-log-mode-items contains 'closed' then
>     remove 'closed' from org-agenda-log-mode-items
> else
>    add 'closed' to org-agenda-log-mode-items
> (refresh the agenda view)
> )
> (define-key org-mode-map (kbd "<f6>") 'org-toggle-agenda-show-closed-logs)

l in the agenda shows clock times only with your setup.

C-u l shows task state changes too.  Is that what you are looking for or
do you only want the closed states?


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