Adam Porter <> writes:

>>> What is the purpose of centering text if not to make it stand out?
>> To align text. I am not sure why anything more is necessary - it
>> is certainly counter-intuitive for me that "center" means something more
>> than just alignment.
> Again, what is the purpose of centering text?  The answer, "To align 
> text," is tautological.

I am very confused. Of course, it is tautological. "center" container is
aiming to align the text. That's why it is named "center".

> Especially, on Worg, where the whole site serves as a kind of extended 
> user manual, the purpose of centering text is, what, if not to make it 
> stand out?

To align text... I really do not understand why one would _anticipate_
that #+begin_center is doing anything other than center alignment.

>> If you need extra highlighting, we may introduce a dedicated style and
>> apply it via special block.
> Why, when we already have #+begin_center?  Currently it's not even used 
> at all.  This would not change anything that already exists; it would 
> make something that already exists useful.

It would break expectations.
It will also differ from ox-html output with the default css style

  .org-center { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center; }

>> Mostly because it is unexpected, as I described above.
>> I'd prefer to stick closer to the semantics and just apply alignment to
>> center blocks.
> *shrug*  Worg has existed for years without even doing anything with 
> #+begin_center blocks--not even centering them.  I propose that we make 
> it useful and serve its natural purpose, rather than adding a special 
> new block that most users won't even know about (having to find it in 
> the voluminous Worg content isn't likely to happen for most users).

I do not see how, without documentation, one would expect that
#+begin_center can be used for highlighting and not for text alignment.
>From my point of view, it is worse than a special block - not only this
ad-hoc convention is not documented; it will also break expectations
about what #+begin_center does.

What about:

1. Introducing a new special block for highlighting
2. Documenting it in

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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