On 02/03/2024 03:34, Juan Manuel Macías wrote:
Finally, I have made public on GitLab my experimental branch for the new
(possible) inline-special-block element:
The new feature is promising as an alternative for U+200B zero width
space as an escape character (info "(org) Escape Character"). It may
adjusted to allow really plain text markup instead of a character
invisible by default:
(org-export-string-as "Example of &_{*intra*}&_{/word/} markup"
'(:export-options (body-only)))
Example of <span><b>intra</b></span><span><i>word</i></span> markup</p>
However to produce clean export result <span> elements should not be
added if no attributes are specified. My expectation is
Example of <b>intra</b><i>word</i> markup</p>
Earlier discussions:
- Denis Maier. Org-syntax: Intra-word markup. Thu, 2 Dec 2021 11:50:32
- Juan Manuel Macías. On zero width spaces and Org syntax. Fri, 03 Dec
2021 12:48:16 +0000. https://list.orgmode.org/87ilw5yhv3....@posteo.net
- Vincent Belaïche. RE: [RFC] Creole-style / Support for
**emphasis**__within__**a word** Mon, 24 Jan 2022 10:50:10 +0000.