Jack Kamm <jackk...@gmail.com> writes:

>>> 3. Change ox-icalendar to consider :LOCATION+ properties and merge them
>>>    during export.
>> I went with this approach.
>> See the attached tentative patch.
> Thanks Ihor -- this is a nice improvement for ox-icalendar.
> My only suggestion would be to add this information and your small
> location example to the manual.

Fixed, on main. 

>> CCing Jack - you expressed interest in ox-icalendar in the past.
>> P.S. We need a maintainer for ox-icalendar ;)
> Sure, I'm happy to help with this :)

You can replace Maintainer: line in ox-icalendar.el with your name.
(Nicolas informed me that he no longer maintains Org mode libraries)

> Please forward/CC any issues you'd like me to look at.  I'll setup an
> email filter to try and catch iCalendar related subjects, but sometimes
> I miss things on the list.

I checked my records and found one outstanding issue related to
ox-icalendar -

The patch proposed by Detlef still has outstanding issues to address,
but the author does not have free time to work on this since the
beginning of last year (I did several follow-ups off list; latest in

At this point, we should either cancel that patch or amend it ourselves
and apply.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
Learn more about Org mode at <https://orgmode.org/>.
Support Org development at <https://liberapay.com/org-mode>,
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