Ihor Radchenko writes:

> Juan Manuel Macías <maciasch...@posteo.net> writes:
>> Pedro Andres Aranda Gutierrez writes:
>>> +#+begin_example
>>> +,#+latex_class_options: [greek,spanish,oneside]
>>> +,#+language: es
>>> +,#+latex_header: \PassOptionsToPackage{main=spanish}{babel}
>>> +,#+latex_header: \usepackage{alphabeta} % to support greek script
>>> +#+end_example
>> I think this example doesn't take advantage of the AUTO facility, which
>> is what the section is about.

> Do you have any suggestions how to improve the patch?

I would give an example that did include the AUTO 'facility', to unify
with the rest of the examples in the section:

#+language: es
#+latex_header: \usepackage[greek,ngerman,AUTO]{babel}
#+latex_header: \usepackage{alphabeta} % to support greek script

It is also said in the patch that this example is for pdfTeX, but it
works equally well for LuaTeX and XeTeX, since Babel and alphabeta
packages support both engines. However, the alphabeta package is not a
specific package for writing texts in Greek. Rather, according to the
package documentation: "The alphabeta package makes the standard macros
for Greek letters in mathematical mode also available in text mode." In
pdfTeX it is useful because you can enter the Greek input directly in
Unicode. But in LuaTeX or XeTeX it would be unnecessary, since Greek can
be written directly, without the help of additional packages.

>> ... Btw, maybe it would be nice to extend ''AUTO'' to
>> latex_class_options and \PassOptionsToPackage? Something like:
> It would really be nice to have an ox-latex maintainer who is deeply
> familiar with LaTeX :)

My knowledge of LaTeX (and Elisp) has huge gaps :-). Of course, I am
willing to learn everything I can. And, naturally, I would like to help
in any way I can. But my main problem (currently) is the lack of time to
dedicate myself to it. My presence on this list is intermittent, and
that for a maintainer is horrible. Maybe in a few months (spring
perhaps), when my personal situation stabilizes a little, I could
consider it...

Best regards,

Juan Manuel 

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