Ken Mankoff <> writes:

> I'm running into a bug where if I (undo) after evaluating an Org Babel 
> emacs-jupyter code block, several hundred lines of the Org buffer below are 
> erased. Unfortunately I am having trouble creating an MWE that demonstrates 
> this, but I hope the org-element-cache warning below may still be helpful.
> ...
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Warning (org-element-cache): org-element--cache: Unregistered buffer 
> modifications detected (57640 != 55418). Resetting.

This is most likely a problem with emacs-jupyter. It does something that
bypasses `after-change-functions', which is not allowed in Org mode.

> I've tried (setq org-element-use-cache nil) but that does not seem to help. 
> Any suggestions how to work around this, or help the emacs-jupyter effort 
> address this if it is their domain, will be much appreciated.

If disabling cache causes a problem, it is yet another problem (not the
warning you see from org-element). From my vague memory, emacs-jupyter
has non-standard treatment of code block results, so I again suspect
that the problem is with emacs-jupyter.

Have you tried reporting your problem to emacs-jupyter devs? There might
be a better chance that they can fix or suggest something.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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