On 06/10/2023 15:07, Juan Manuel Macías wrote:
And, finally:

│ #+header: :var table = table1
│ #+header: :var notes = "\\item [1] First note\n\\item [2] Second note"
│ {{{template(tptable,table notes)}}}

Usage is quite close to "#+call:", but it does not support specifying arguments using "#+header:"

I would still consider noweb (table1 is omitted):

--- 8< ---
#+property: header-args:org :exports results :results replace :noweb yes

#+NAME: tptable
#+begin_src org :exports none
  ,#+ATTR_LaTeX: :options [b]

#+header: :var table = table1
#+header: :var notes = "\\item [1] First note\n\\item [2] Second note"
#+begin_src org
--- >8 ---

or "%(param)s" substitutions in python (another variant f"""{param}""" is inconvenient for LaTeX):

--- 8< ---
#+property: header-args:python :python python3 :results org :noweb yes :exports results
#+property: header-args:org :exports results :results replace
#+NAME: tptable
#+begin_src python :exports none
  return """\
  ,#+ATTR_LaTeX: :options [b]
  """ % locals()

#+header: :var table = table1
#+header: :var notes = "\\item [1] First note\n\\item [2] Second note"
#+begin_src python
--- >8 ---

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