Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@posteo.net> writes:

- Removes the optional TEST parameter, which is unused and better served through debugging tools.

This is technically a breaking change. So, we (1) need to mention it in ORG-NEWS; (2) may consider (file-name &optional _) function definition
to be 100% sure that no existing code will be broken.

I've added the NEWS entry and updated the signature to ignore the second, optional parameter.
See attached.

>From ace59bb72e8fdd6f01033d327de221cfdd9090fe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nicholas Vollmer <iarchivedmywholel...@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2023 09:32:27 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] lisp/ob-lilypond.el: refactor

* ob-lilypond.el (org-babel-lilypond-compile-lilyfile):
Correct compilation message.
Remove superfluous local variables.
Remove unused ad-hoc debugging TEST parameter.
 etc/ORG-NEWS        |  3 +++
 lisp/ob-lilypond.el | 35 ++++++++++++++---------------------
 2 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

diff --git a/etc/ORG-NEWS b/etc/ORG-NEWS
index 842d3fe4d..c40e1be82 100644
--- a/etc/ORG-NEWS
+++ b/etc/ORG-NEWS
@@ -304,6 +304,9 @@ setting the ~STYLE~ property for each sub-task.
 The change is breaking when ~org-use-property-inheritance~ is set to ~t~.
+*** ~org-babel-lilypond-compile-lilyfile~ ignores optional second argument
+The =TEST= parameter is better served by Emacs debugging tools.
 ** New and changed options
 *** ~org-export-smart-quotes-alist~ is now a custom option
diff --git a/lisp/ob-lilypond.el b/lisp/ob-lilypond.el
index 8b2bd231f..c2dba36aa 100644
--- a/lisp/ob-lilypond.el
+++ b/lisp/ob-lilypond.el
@@ -247,27 +247,20 @@ org-babel-lilypond-execute-tangled-ly
 	(org-babel-lilypond-attempt-to-open-pdf org-babel-lilypond-temp-file)
 	(org-babel-lilypond-attempt-to-play-midi org-babel-lilypond-temp-file)))))
-(defun org-babel-lilypond-compile-lilyfile (file-name &optional test)
-  "Compile lilypond file and check for compile errors.
-FILE-NAME is full path to lilypond (.ly) file."
-  (message "Compiling LilyPond...")
-  (let ((arg-1 org-babel-lilypond-ly-command) ;program
-        ;; (arg-2 nil)                    ;infile
-        (arg-3 "*lilypond*")           ;buffer
-	(arg-4 t)                      ;display
-	(arg-5 (if org-babel-lilypond-gen-png  "--png"  "")) ;&rest...
-	(arg-6 (if org-babel-lilypond-gen-html "--html" ""))
-        (arg-7 (if org-babel-lilypond-gen-pdf "--pdf" ""))
-        (arg-8 (if org-babel-lilypond-use-eps  "-dbackend=eps" ""))
-        (arg-9 (if org-babel-lilypond-gen-svg  "-dbackend=svg" ""))
-        (arg-10 (concat "--output=" (file-name-sans-extension file-name)))
-        (arg-11 file-name))
-    (if test
-        `(,arg-1 ,nil ,arg-3 ,arg-4 ,arg-5 ,arg-6 ;; arg-2
-                 ,arg-7 ,arg-8 ,arg-9 ,arg-10 ,arg-11)
-      (call-process
-       arg-1 nil arg-3 arg-4 arg-5 arg-6 ;; arg-2
-       arg-7 arg-8 arg-9 arg-10 arg-11))))
+;;Ignoring second arg for pre Org 9.7 compatibility
+(defun org-babel-lilypond-compile-lilyfile (filename &optional _)
+  "Compile Lilypond FILENAME and check for compile errors."
+  (message "Compiling %s..." filename)
+  (let ((args (delq nil (list
+                         (and org-babel-lilypond-gen-png  "--png")
+                         (and org-babel-lilypond-gen-html "--html")
+                         (and org-babel-lilypond-gen-pdf  "--pdf")
+                         (and org-babel-lilypond-use-eps  "-dbackend=eps")
+                         (and org-babel-lilypond-gen-svg  "-dbackend=svg")
+                         (concat "--output=" (file-name-sans-extension filename))
+                         filename))))
+    (apply #'call-process org-babel-lilypond-ly-command nil
+           "*lilypond*" 'display args)))
 (defun org-babel-lilypond-check-for-compile-error (file-name &optional test)
   "Check for compile error.

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