On 31/08/2023 22:25, Csepp wrote:
There seems to be no easy way to tell it
to just treat it the same way it would treat an HTTP link and include it
verbatim. There does seem to be a way to do some Elisp scripting, but
it's honestly really annoying to do this for every protocol type.
Please, just let users include URLs in their docs.
(info "(org) Adding Hyperlink Types")
(Side note: I would consider `org-export-derived-backend-p' instead of
`pcase' with fixed symbols.)
So it is possible to have custom link types.
However I do not mind to have an easy way to delegate URI from :export
function to the link transcoder of active export backend.
Current behavior with with treating link paths as fuzzy search targets
is a kind of compromise. It allows internal search links to be shorter.
One may have e.g. #+name: fig:something code blocks, so not every link
looking as having some "scheme:" prefix should be treated as an external
URI. As a result link types must be enabled explicitly.