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From: Keith Lancaster <>
Date: July 19, 2009 12:24:46 PM CDT
To: Bastien <>
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] New screencast about org-protocol.el

On Jul 19, 2009, at 11:57 AM, Bastien wrote:

Hi Keith,

Keith Lancaster <> writes:

The screencast is great, but I can't seem to get things working. On OS
X, I consistently get a message from Firefox that no application is
associated with org-protocol.

Actually the screencast is a bit misleading, as you need to explicity
tell FF which program do you use with org-protocol://

See here:

| 8. Next time you try to open a location "org-protocol://..." FF will ask
|    you for the program to use. Enter the path to emacsclient.

So you need to enter the page to emacsclient.

If I have time, I will update the screencast to reflect this.

This happens on both FF 3 and 3.5, and regardless of how I specify
emacsclient. Any thoughts on how to debug this?



Thanks - however, I did actually do that step, and it did not work. One point is that on the Mac, FF does not ask about which client to use - it just announces that no application is associated with the protocol. I entered the path to emacsclient when I configured FF with the org-protocol setting, and it kept giving me the message. I had no problem configuring it on FF on Ubuntu, so it does look like its a mac FF issue (also, did not work on Opera 10 on the mac).

Keith Lancaster

Keith Lancaster

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