Keith Lancaster <> writes:

> The screencast is great, but I can't seem to get things working. On OS
> X, I consistently get a message from Firefox that no application is
> associated with org-protocol.  This happens on both FF 3 and 3.5, and
> regardless of how I specify emacsclient. Any thoughts on how to debug
> this?

Yes, this is a known issue on Mac OS X. I believe that the problem lies
not with Firefox per se, but with the way in which Mac OS handles
internet protocols. I think someone will have to code something in cocoa
or applescript that passes the protocol to emacsclient. See this post by
Sebastian for more details:

That said, I don't really know too much about the internals of MacOS X,
so I may be wrong about this.

BTW, the only browser I was able to get working with org-protocol on the
Mac was conkeror, a browser that uses emacs-style keybindings.

For emacs users, conkeror is particularly convenient browser, not least
because you can call commands with M-x or get information about commands
using "apropos" (C-h a). If anyone is interested in trying it out, I put
up instructions on how to set up conkeror on the org-protocol page. You
can even bind org-remember to C-c r in conkeror!


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